Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mariinsky and Cooking Lessons

Well, I had hoped to post some pictures, but I'll have to post them tomorrow morning because I forgot my camera. However, to tide y'all over, I'll post a lovely picture of our pickle lady, Dina, at the market.

Anyways, I totally had an amazing time over the past two days! Yesterday, we saw Anna Karenina at the Mariinsky Theater (based off Tolstoy's book). The theater was beautiful and the ballet was amazing! For a brief moment, I even found myself wondering why I never attempted ballet...then I remembered why I'm a runner... me + daintiness = eyesore. However, if you're ever in Russia (for all the masses contemplating it...), there's an even cheaper ballet with just as great quality at the conservatory across the street. Mainly foreigners go to the Mariinsky, so I guess you pay for the name.

Also, we have three new students in our class! They are from China, Serbia, and England! After lessons, some of us met up and dined on pishki, and then Sergei (our program director) taught us how to cook Syrniki. They're cottage cheese delights which can be eaten with jam and sour cream!

Ingredient list for Syrniki:
Норма продуктов:
Творог – 3 пачки (600 г); мука пшеничная – 3-4 ст. ложки в тесто и ½ стакана для обваливания; крахмал картофельный – 2 ст. ложки; 2 яйца; щепотка соли; масло подсолнечное; сметана или густая ряженка, сливочное масло, варенье.

We also spoke with Sergei about some more cultural differences between the states and the U.S. He especially spoke about the grab-what-you-can attitude that many Russians have, which helps explain why there is so much corruption here. When their country is so unstable, it's only natural to help oneself instead of hopelessly fighting for some greater good that may never be realized.

P.S. Happy Birthday to the best dad on earth!
Stuffin' and Bondin'  with me da'

1 comment:

  1. I love all your blog entries Hillary !! ... your photos are awesome too :)
    su padre/papushka
