Sunday, May 22, 2011

Calvary Chapel

Today was such a great day, and it made me all the more excited to be in St. Petersburg! We visited a non-denominational church service and it was so much fun! The service in a Lutheran building and had both Russian and English interpreters, so I got to learn a few new words and meet some fellow Christians :) It was also really neat because there was a group of Americans that were working at a children’s transit home with orphans, so we got to say hi to them and hear a little about their work. I just love meeting Christians from other parts of the world because even though I may not know anything about them, we have the same amazing God! So cool! And they were all so welcoming! We had tea and biscuits after the service and one of the members even gave us chocolate (i.e. the key to my heart)!

**I'll have to get y'all the link when I find it

We also met up with our teaching assistant from Rhodes and had a dinnerish snack (yum for dumplings). It was really great because she took us through the grocery store and showed us all the Russian foods we need to try before leaving…I have a feeling that I’m going to get even larger than previously predicted.
Our Dorms: 45 years old!
Well, it’s almost midnight here, and I’m sitting outside the laundry room trying to borrow the wifi after hours, so this blog is going to be cut short (it’s kind of chilly outside). However, tomorrow we’re planning on buying dumplings and buckwheat and cooking in the upstairs kitchen (so much nicer than our own!). It should be good because I’m running low on rubles and am trying to stretch them out as long as possible. If y’all don’t hear from me, I might have burnt down the dorms…
Sarah, showing off our luxurious upper level kitchen!

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