Thursday, May 19, 2011

Garry Potter

Today, I finished reading The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch (Thanks for lending it to me, Jo!). It was a quick but good read, so if y’all are looking to ponder life, this might be the book for you. Having read a dying man’s reflections on life, I’ve decided to move on to something a bit more lighthearted…thus, I have purchased my first book in Russian: Garry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone! Now I realize (as my Russian instructor pointed out) that J.K. Rowling is not from Russia, but it’ll probably take a while before I can tackle Dostoevsky. And for those of you wondering, that was not a type-o…it’s actually called Garry Potter….Garry…hahaha
Г as in Garry (Note the fancy lightning bolt)

I am a full 6 sentences into it, and I have yet to whip it out in the metro because I know that, for the entire 30 minute ride, I’ll be staring at the same page...and while it really doesn’t matter what these super cool metro-riding Russians think of my reading level, I’m still a bit embarrassed.
 The Boy Who Lived
My eyes glaze over it too; it's not just you...

Tomorrow Sergei, our program coordinator (Volodya’s boss), will be taking Sarah and I, along with a few other students, on a walking tour. We’re meeting by Dome Knigi, and while we’ve already explored that area fairly well, maybe he’ll show us something new (and maybe we’ll ‘come across’ more pishki…).

In class today, we described our ideal man or woman. And the winner goes to…Zaou Min:
“Этот человек…есть высокий нос” or “This man…to have a high nose.”
A high nose…That’s how I’ll know :)

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