Sunday, May 29, 2011

Russian Orthodox Service

Sorry for not posting yesterday; I was enjoying the city’s ongoing concerts and entertainment along Nevsky Prospect. I also saw a play in the Alexandrinsky Theater, revisited the Hermitage (Still haven’t finished the second floor!), and made chocolate and banana blinis with Lisa, Sarah, and Arisa.
At the Market

Today, Sarah and I visited Pushkinaya 10, which is a cool art complex with an eclectic collection of galleries. The building was kind of hidden, and we didn’t know what we were looking for, so when we found it, we pretty much wandered around opening random doors. While some of the floors were a little odd, overall, it was definitely worth visiting. Even the hallways and the ceilings were artsy and it looked like someone (Maggie??) had bedazzled the inside of the elevator with mirrors.
This way to Pushkinaya 10!
After Pushkinaya 10, we grabbed dinner and headed to Trinity Cathedral to experience our first ever Russian Orthodox service… We explored the nearby cemetery where Dostoevsky happens to be buried, and after donning our head scarves, we timidly entered the Cathedral. It was a great experience, but I’m glad we went to the evening service because it was two hours shorter than the morning one. I can’t imagine staying much longer because you stand the entire time and it’s done in old Slavic Russian.
The Russian Orthodox Cross differs from the Western Cross:
Top Bar: Plaque over Christ's Head
Bottom Bar: Footrest and Balance of Righteousness (heaven and hell)

Head Scarves!
Tomorrow we’re going to a ballet (Anna Karenina), so that should be exciting! Also, we just had a group of Americans move onto our floor…Maybe our old neighbors got kicked out.

Things I’ve learned in the past two days:
1.) Russian’s clap in sync…really creepy
2.) The Eastern Orthodox Church crosses themselves from right to left (unlike Roman Catholics)
3.) NEVER eat at Yolkie Palkie…mediocre food, horrible service

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