Tuesday, June 7, 2011

P&P Fortress and A Dubbed Movie...oh my.

Yesterday (Sunday) we went to the Peter and Paul Fortress. Look it up on Wikipedia because it has more history than I can summarize. It was pretty interesting, and we got to check out the prison where a lot of famous political prisoners had been held in the past.
Peter and Paul Fortress
And today, I experienced my first ever Russian movie theater! Our professor from Rhodes had told us that some theaters in Russia are merely couches and a screen. Needless to say, I was very excited to check it out.

Our tickets were to see Something Borrowed, one of only two movies being offered for the next couple of weeks. When we arrived to a surprisingly empty theater, we were escorted by the ticket lady/owner herself to our film. Along the way, she stopped us from buying popcorn, saying it was not tasty…(good business?), so instead we got vending machine ice cream! The theater was a decently large size, though there were no couches in sight. Additionally, other than a couple in the back, it also appeared that there were no people in sight….
Peter and Paul Fortress: Rules
The movie itself was pretty entertaining. Moreover, Russian’s use their voices differently, so the dubbed version was certainly amusing. It all sounded like some cheesy drama, but it could have been worse…I’ve heard tales of dubbed movies with one person in the back translating all the lines….gahhh. Sounds awful!
Prisoners used a tapping code to communicate
When the movie was over, the lady asked us how it was and showed us out of the building. Great service for her only customers! It’s too bad that we’re leaving this week…

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