Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Boats in Park Pobedy

Today I had planned on visiting the third floor of the Hermitage. Unfortunately, the ticket lady was trying to make us pay 100 rubles to enter, even though students, regardless of citizenship, get in free. We showed her our Russian student ID’s, but she kept insisting that we pay 100 rubles. I’m sure with a little persistence, Sarah and I could have gotten through, but there was a line behind us and she was speaking through a microphone. However, tomorrow I will be visiting and I will not be paying the 100 rubles, thank you very much! I’ve gotten in free two times already, so I’ll just make sure to arm myself with my past tickets and a backup Rhodes ID. Matisse, here I come!
Working out those arms!

As I had planned on spending several hours in the Hermitage, I had a couple hours to waste. So, even though I had only two days left in Russia, I found myself sitting in the park by the Russian Museum with Sarah. It was nice though, because I got some pies from our pie lady (26 rubles for a delish mushroom and potato pirojki!) and fed the birds with my crumbs. I also attempted to draw a tree, so inspired was I by the close proximity to priceless Russian art…unfortunately, it greatly resembled a nearby twig…
Dom 10 Gang!

Sarah, Emma, Lisa, and I then bought tickets to see Swan Lake at the Conservatory (much cheaper than the Mariinsky). We’ll be seeing it tomorrow for my last night…

And finally, to end our day on a high note, Sarah, Lisa, Jenn (from Canaday), and I bought some goodies and rented a boat in Park Pobedy (near our dorm). It was so beautiful and I can’t believe we hadn’t done it before! It took us a bit to figure out the whole oar situation, but eventually we were gliding smoothly and living the life!
Park Pobedy
Tomorrow’s my last day of classes, and while I’m so excited to see everyone at home, I’m also so sad to be leaving! But let’s not think about that yet. Swan Lake tomorrow. Get excited!

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